Sunday, 5 June 2011

Spend More Time In Planning Careers N Not Vacations......

What are your:

1) Specific talents and skills.
2) The type of people with whom you work best.
3) Your work values (what is required for you to be happy in your job?).
4) Under what circumstances do you feel you are making a genuine difference?

Take charge

Update your resume every six months to add your new accomplishments. If you find you have none to add, look for a new challenging assignment and volunteer to take it. Work out of your job class whenever you can, as this will help you gain the skills to advance. Volunteer for committees and projects where you can meet new people, broaden your opportunities and gain new skills. Be your own career advancement specialist. Today's job market needs 'take charge' people!

Value yourself as a professional

Value your work as a professional. It takes great organisational skill, customer service, sales, and prioritising skills to succeed in a career. It is a difficult and very important front line job. Remember, often you are the person that is a customer's first contact with your company and you have the potential to make a great relationship and impression! Secondly, take advantage of every opportunity to build professional development skills in speaking, time management, customer service, computer software, office management, and any other area of expertise that interests you. Write down your own professional goals every January and commit to them!

Be proactive, not reactive

Be proactive, not reactive. Stay in touch with the job market in your area. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities, even if you are happy with your current situation. You never know when something may change. Make networking a common activity. When you take the initiative to make things happen in your career, you will be amazed at the possibilities you can uncover.

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